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Saturday, May 31, 2014


Let’s face it…if you are a Christian, there is no UNIQUE or SINGLE way to preach the Gospel to someone (evangelize). Why? Because there are many! One of them is actually with your testimony or past experiences. Even if you aren’t, you will still relate. (I guarantee it!)

What is a testimony? A testimony is a recounting or telling of experiences. 

When we think of our personal testimonies, we say to ourselves, “who would want to listen to me?” or “no, I don’t want someone judging me because of the things I once did. I am no longer that person.” Even though that may be true, your testimony could serve as a launching pad to build someone’s faith. Regardless if you are a Christian or not, everyone has a testimony because we have all been through life changing situations. 

For example, this is a true story, this happened to me this morning. I work during the night at a corner store. And during my shifts, I see a lot of different faces; some new and some old. Some actually stay and talk to me and some are too busy to care. But last weekend, a girl and her friends came in. Sadly, they had all drank alcohool. The girl could barely stand as she came in to buy a pack of cigarettes. As she took her time (evidently because she was “tipsy”), I observed her friends and even her as she sat on the floor looking through her purse for her debit card. Once she told me what she needed, she proceeded to enter her card number so I could hand her the pack of cigarettes. As I stated before, I observed the whole 15 scenario that had happened when she and her friends walked into the corner store. I was intrigued because she told me that she had just came from the hospital. Hard to believe because she had clearly been drinking but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Then she and her friends left. 

One week later, she and one of her friend’s from the week before made their way into my store again. This time, all of her senses were there but I cannot say the same for her friend. She came to get another pack of cigarettes. Ironically, when she tried to pay for the cigarettes, the transaction was declined because she didn’t have enough money in her bank account. So her friend decided to walk back home and get some money while she stayed in the store because it was kind of chilly outside and she was in her pajamas and a winter coat. So as she stood there waiting, we began to talk. I asked her why she decided to smoke and at what age did she start? She told me that she started at the age of 19. The funny thing is that she actually admitted that the reason she started smoking was because of the influence of her friends. I then asked why won’t she stop even though she knows this. She said it is because of stress. (this next part is where I wanted to get). She then began to open up. She spoke to me about her love life and how her now ex-boyfriend left her for the mother of his child. She told me how she felt; how the guy used her and that he was manipulative and how he constantly gave her false hope amongst other things.

What I wanted to show you guys that are reading this is that there are A LOT of people out there that have gone through this same thing…or even other things. There are  A LOT of people that have problems! 

Someone may struggle with masturbation…YOUR TESTIMONY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 
The person wants to kill someone or even himself…YOUR TESTIMONY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 
Suffering from depression…YOUR TESTIMONY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Whatever it is, you name it and it is probably out there. But these same people need YOU! Not only do they need you to hear them and listen to them but they need you to share your testimony! What do I mean? The girl in the corner store, I could relate  to her! I too had my heart broken on numerous occasions…I too have been manipulated and even manipulated people. I actually ended up giving her advice and trust me, she left happier than she came in! People need your testimony so that they can relate and know that everything will be okay and that they are not alone in this! 

Let’s take a trip to the Bible if I may. In the Bible, there was a man named Saul (Paul). Saul was a Pharisee (a self-righteous person; a hypocrite). He once zealously persecuted Christianity’s early followers and attempted to destroy the movement. But on his way to Damascus, he had a life-altering moment and he even became one of Christianity’s most fervent supporters! 

Where am I going with this? 

A testimony, if you read the definition in the beginning is a recounting or telling of experiences, as in past experiences. Saul was once a “Christian-killer” but then became one that spread the Gospel and life (Word of God). So for us to say that because we were once something bad and that our testimonies will only get us judged or that they won’t help anyone…is WRONG! God turns our MISTAKES into MESSAGES! So what will you do? Will you continue keeping your testimony for yourself? Or will you stand, tell your story and be the help that someone needs?! You never know, the person might be going through the same thing…some people need to see Jesus through you…YOUR STORY IS WAITING TO BE HEARD! Have a blessed day and stay in faith!

Monday, May 26, 2014

.....::::: THE TRUTH ABOUT SEX :::::.....

What is SEX exactly? In the dictionary, it can be summarized to being an act of sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. Our generation sees sex as “recreational play between two consenting adults or people” (John Mark Comer definition). Some might ask, “What’s the big deal?” But like everything on this beautiful yet corrupt world we live in, every action has a reaction. Hopefully this post helps you realize the good, the bad and the in between of sex. 
What is sex exactly? Sex is actually the coming together of two people so they become one (no pun intended) body and soul. The two people become “fused” together at the deepest level. Let me start off by saying that sex is NOT bad. On the contrary, it is good because God created it. It is man that took what God intended for good and made it become what we see today in movies, music videos and other forms of media that we can get our hands on. It becomes bad when we use it in a context other than that of what God intended. He intended it to be used inside a covenant. What is a covenant? A covenant is an agreement that brings about a relationship of commitment between God and his people. The agreement that we all can think of and should think of is MARRIAGE. Speaking of context, while reading Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker’s book, “Every Man’s Battle: Winning The War of Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time”, it said something that truly caught my attention.
“Because our own standards on sexual purity have been so mixed with God’s, and since many Christians (sadly) don’t read their Bibles very often, many men and women have NO CLUE about God’s standards for sexual purity. 
Did you know that we’re commanded to avoid sexual impurity in nearly EVERY BOOK of the New Testament? […]”
And then the book goes on and literally gives you all the passages referring to sexual immorality. (I may give them all in the second part of this post).
THE GOOD. When something is done in the right context, there is no guilt, no ill after effect or regret. For example, have you ever had an exam coming up in school and you really worked hard, went to ask the teacher questions and even studied all night and all week just for this exam? And when you get to the exam, you pass it with flying colors? Isn’t it one of the best feelings ever?! Why? Because you did the right thing: you prepared for it. You could’ve cheated. You could’ve used your phone on the test. You could’ve chose to not study. But because you didn't, the reward was 10 times better. Hard work pays off! It’s the same with sex. If you wait and stay reserved, the feeling it gives will be much more fulfilling and satisfying. What if you decided to wait until you were married (even if you already had sexual relations before), and when you finally marry that special someone that has your heart, that you know will take care of you in every way possible and that you will spend the rest of your life with, having sex will mean so much more because you reserved yourself for God and that person. Sex can be used and seen as a form of thanksgiving to God for blessing you with your “other half” that is your partner. 
THE BAD. Sex shouldn’t be used as a form of pleasure before marriage. I, personally, am not saying these things because I am perfect. I am sharing this information because I have been there and sadly, one of the most enslaving sins that our generation is suffering from is sexual sin. Like I mentioned, I have been there and it is not something you can just get up and run from on your own. The act of having sex before marriage can cause chaos rather than being beneficial. It creates spiritual ties with every partner that we are with. Outside of marriage, sex can be dehumanizing. One person may see another person as an object because of self-gratification etc. Going back to what I said about spiritual ties with a partner, every time these relations happen, do you feel empty? Like a part of you has left you? Well that’s the spiritual aspect of sex kicking in. It’s as if one person comes and takes a little from you every time. It is stealing basically. For example, when we have sex before marriage, we are stealing from someone. The person we are having these relations with may or may not be our future husband or wife. That person does not belong to us. He or she belongs to God and eventually someone else. The image that I use is this one: What would you do if you dated someone or even if you didn't, had sexual relations with them but in 10 years, you got invited to their wedding and had to stare in the eyes of their partner to say congratulations? I know. It would be the most awkward feeling ever, right? Well that’s how it is. Do you walk into Walmart, open a box of soap, use it and put it back? No. So why not wait and make sure that this is the soap we need and wait for the right time to “buy” it? 
Sex isn’t bad when used in the right context. If you are one of those people, don’t worry, all is NOT lost. It is up to you to admit that you need help and that this is a problem. Then you must repent. No one likes a cheater. What do I mean? We are in a relationship with Jesus. When we have sex before marriage, we basically cheat on Christ. Our bodies are not our own. So to give ourselves away to anyone before a covenant or marriage is wrong. Even to those that aren’t Christians that may read this article, sex does not equal love. Sex is a benefit that comes from love but it is not love’s definition. Hope that helps. Stay blessed and in faith!
(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

.....::::: NEVER TOO BUSY :::::.....

On numerous occasions, I have heard about people trying their best to fix their situations themselves. Why? How come? They felt like their problem was too small for God or that He probably had so much more to do than to listen to their prayers. So with a smile, I say, "that is so wrong". In Luke 9:10, 11 Jesus had tried to get away and withdraw to a town called Bethsaida with His disciples. But a crowd found out where He was going and followed Him. Instead of getting annoyed because He was interrupted, Jesus welcomed the people and ministered to their needs. My question to you is when others need you; are you too busy? When you are doing ministry, are you too busy for those who need 1 second of your time? Jesus is never too busy for why are you too busy for others? No one is too busy in this world. It's all about priorities. Is helping others and caring for them one of your priorities? Forgive me for asking...
Luke 9:10, 11 - "When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then He took them with Him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, but the crowds learned about it and followed Him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing."

(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

.....::::: A MOTHER LIKE NO OTHER :::::.....

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers around the world! We at Spread4Christ wanna take this time and post to thank you for the long hours on your feet and all the sacrifices you queens have made to keep your households in check! We also thank God for the strength, mental fortitude and love you women possess.
Being a mother is a painful privilege. How so? Let's look at one of the most amazing mothers to ever see the light of day: Mary, the mother of Jesus; the Son of God. Did you know that she was the only human present at Jesus' birth and also at His death. She saw the birth of her special son, and she also watched Him die as her Savior. A big part of her painful privilege of motherhood would be that she saw her son rejected and crucified by the people He came to save.
As Jesus grew up from a child to a young man, she was most likely the very definition of a Proverbs 31 woman. She was willing to be available to God. Now think of your mother...all the sacrifices...she has seen you and congratulated you in your highest moments...she has been the shoulder to cry on during your darkest ones. Though this day lasts 24 hours, make sure to make them precious for the ones we call "mom". And thank them for being modern day Marys. Have a blessed day and stay in faith!!!

(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

.....::::: RINSED OR FULL? :::::.....

Have you ever been to a restaurant and before your food arrives, they served you water? Have you ever looked at the glass before you drank? I do. Sometimes, not to criticize them, but the glasses aren't always spotless. I do believe that sometimes they wash these glasses in dishwashers and not by hand. If cleaned by hand, they would be thouroughly washed. That is why not all stains are removed. No one likes to drink from a dirty glass.
If I may, lets visit the Scriptures. In Matthew 23, Jesus speaks about the religious leaders. But He says something very interesting in verse 26. He says: "Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean."
Jesus condemned the Pharisees and religious leaders for outwardly APPEARING SAINTLY and holy but inwardly remaining full of corruption and greed. Living our Christianity merely as a show for others is like washing a cup on the outside only. When we are clean on the inside, our cleanliness on the outside won't be a facade. The question that I would like to ask is have you been truly FILLED with God or RINSED by God? Have you allowed yourself to be throughly cleaned or just rinsed? There is a difference. Someone who is FILLED is changed completely. They live for Christ and not matter how hard times get, they do not dare to go back to the life or the things that once defined them because they know their identity lies in Christ and they are a new creation. But the one who is RINSED seems clean and holy on the outside but their insides haven't been cleaned. Which are you? Forgive me for asking....
(This post is actually inspired by a sermon I heard from Pastor George Morisset Jr.)

(Devotions/ Devotionals)