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Friday, October 31, 2014


In one of our previous posts, in our early beginnings, we spoke about “friends” and what a good friend should be like. Let’s revisit that again shall we?
A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond or mutual affection. A person who acts as a supporter of a cause. A person who is not an enemy or who is on the same side.
The words that should stick out in that definition are “supporter” and “who is on the same side”. They may seem one in the same at first and though it is true, it brings us to the essence of this blog post.
I do a lot of reading in my spare time and by God’s grace, I fell on one of my favorite books of all time by Mark Atteberry called “ The Samson Syndrome: What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible”. It is an amazing read! Moving on…
Throughout the book, it sheds light on Samson and his weaknesses even though he was technically the strongest man to ever live. But in chapter seven, something got my attention. The author began talking about when we repeatedly make the same mistakes. So he offers a solution to this problem.
“Once you begin to solve the mystery of why you keep repeating the same mistakes, it’s time to start thinking about how to stop.” - Mark Atteberry
This is why I wanted us to revisit what a friend is. The author suggests that we find a friend who will hold us accountable.
For example, Samson, whom the book is about, throughout his story, we never see him with a friend. That is why he continually made the same mistakes over and over again. Why is that? Here are a few examples of some of the Bible’s dynamic duos or factions.
- Lot had Abraham
- Moses had Aaron
- Caleb had Joshua
- David had Jonathan
- Paul had Barnabas and Silas
But in the end, Samson didn’t have anybody. There is a study that shows that 85% of the violent crime victims in America are alone when they are attacked. Bad guys are successful when their targets are isolated. In the Bible, it says that Satan prowls around looking for some victim to devour.
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." - Apostle Peter (1 Peter 5:8)
I don’t know if you paid attention to that last part but it said “victim” and not “victims” with an “s”. Singular, not plural. That’s how Satan works. Ever notice how 90% of the time, when we fall to temptation, we usually are alone? He loves to pick on someone who is alone.
But what can we do to stop this from happening over and over again? Find a friend. Not just any friend though. Do not be fooled, not everyone is your friend. If they lead you to sin, rather than help you stay away from it, run like Usain Bolt away from this person! Pray for them of course but your spiritual well being is way more important than your friendship with that person!
To conclude, find someone you can trust. Not a “yes man,” but someone who cares enough about you to tell you the truth, even if it hurts. Find someone who will point out your blind spots. Find someone who will get in your face if necessary to keep you from doing something self-destructive. Of course God is your friend and wants what is best for you but find someone like a Jonathan who will be there for you regardless. Not telling you what you want to hear but what you need to hear! Stay blessed and I hope this helps someone. Have a marvelous day and don’t forget to spread for Christ!
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." - Solomon (Proverbs 27:6 and 17)
(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

.....::::: ARE YOU DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE? :::::.....

Have you ever been dangerously in love? I know it might sound “cliché" but you would be surprised how many of us have actually been there…

What does it mean to be dangerously in love? Have you ever heard the saying, “love is blind”? It means to love someone so much that you don’t see anything or anyone else but that person, even if he or she is not the right person for you. 

Jesus Christ wants a relationship with you. But we find ourselves focusing on finding our soul mates but in reality Jesus already died for our souls…

I won’t say much. I believe that this video will do the trick. I will just share this with you and hopefully you enjoy it! Have a blessed and marvelous day!

Here is the link:

(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Monday, October 13, 2014


Have you ever been in court or at least watched a t.v show where the setting is a courtroom and the bailiff (police officer) asks that the person who is about to speak, to place their hand on the Holy Bible and he then proceeds to say this:
“Do you solemnly swear that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
Yeah…I know…for those who watch Law & Order or Criminal Minds, this is right up your alley. But how does this apply to us?
A while back, I blogged about how our testimonies can change a life. It’s true! But for some reason, some of us are afraid to share our past experiences
We are afraid that we will get judged or the person listening will not take into consideration what it is that we are saying because at the end of the day, we are no different then them. We are ashamed because our lives don’t always match what we know God has done in our lives.
But we have misunderstood what testimony is. Testimony is evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something. What that means is that it has to be something true and something that we know. And what do we know better than anyone else? Where we have been and came from. We are to testify to others what God has done in our lives.
But how though?
If we want others to take what we have to say seriously concerning Jesus Christ, we have to show them that our lives reflect His reality. We must do good. We have to talk the talk and walk the walk!
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (Galatians 6:10)
Throughout the Bible, Jesus did many miracles and the people He healed or spoke to often ran and told others through testimony. Regardless of what their previous state was, they were unashamed and ran to tell others of what Christ had done!
Speaking of one of Christ’s many miracles, let us look at Paul. Before his personal meeting with Jesus Christ, Paul hated the Christian faith and persecuted Christians without mercy. I have spoken about Him previously in a few of these posts but I can not guarantee that this is the last time you will hear his name in one of these post!
In 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Paul was not interested in creating an image of anything. He was using himself as an example. He was never reluctant to share his past because he knew that by God’s grace, his past failures would serve to bring others to the light. But in this verse, he lowered his guard (transparency) to communicate the Gospel. That is a very important step! People will not always believe that the Gospel is important if it is not a crucial part of your life.
“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His immense patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life.” - 1 Timothy 1:15
To make a long story short, people think that God will never forgive and accept them because of their pasts. But when you think that way, think of Paul’s past. He literally went against Jesus’ teachings and had many of Jesus’ followers killed before helping shape the history of Christianity. At times we hesitate to share our past struggles with others because we think that they will judge us or will say that we are no different from them. But in reality, we aren’t. And that is what is amazing with God’s grace! It is available to anyone and everyone! We are no better than anyone else but we do have something in common: there is a God that is willing to forgive us regardless of our sins. All we have to do is repent and seek out Jesus Christ.
Jesus came into the word to save sinners, and no sinner is beyond His saving power. Regardless of your background, your ethnicity, your mistakes, your past choices, your past luggage, your infidelities…REGARDLESS…share your testimony! The world needs Christians who are not afraid to live their faith and share their testimony! In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands us to go into the world and preach the Gospel but we can only do that when we realize the power and importance of our testimonies. Don’t be afraid to let others know from where Christ reached to save you and all that He has done for you! God does not waste our time; He will use our past and present so we may serve Him with our future. Like a friend of mine would say: "The past is the past!!!" Spread for Christ!
We would love to hear from your testimonies! Contact us via and send us your testimonies! Tell us what Jesus Christ has done for you! Stay blessed!
(Devotions/ Devotionals)

Monday, October 6, 2014

.....::::: YOUR SITUATION WILL CHANGE! :::::.....

Shame is a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. This feeling may bring dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.
Have you ever felt this way? Has a certain situation ever made you feel like you weren't worthy? Have you ever felt so embarrassed that you told yourself that it was pointless to go on? Has this emotion set in motion or given birth to anger, shyness or anxiety in your life?
Almost everyone has felt like this at least at one point in time but we should not let this feeling stay! We have no reason to let guilt reign in our lives! Why? Because God will CHANGE your situation!
Take this into consideration:
Back in Israel, during the times of the New Testament, a woman's value was largely measured by her ability to bear children, to be without children often led to personal hardship and public shame. This was the case for Elizabeth and Zechariah. They were both old and and came from priestly families. One would believe that because of this, they would have God's favor but it did not seem that way. Then one day, Zechariah received an unexpected blessing! He was chosen to be the priest who would enter the Holy Place to offer incense to God for the people. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with an angel bearing a message that Zachariah and his wife would have a son (John The Baptist). The angel's message was too good to be true! Things worked out better than she had ever hoped!
Luke 1:25 - “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people."
Let us move in reverse...
Before Zechariah and Elizabeth, there was Rachel. Her story is another tale of a sterile woman but unlike Elizabeth, she felt the need to compete for Jacob's love even though she already had it because of her lack of children. But in Genesis 30:22-23, God eventually answered Rachel's prayers and gave her a child of her own.
Genesis 30:22-23 “Then God remembered Rachel; He listened to her and opened her womb. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, “God has taken away my disgrace."
And lastly, let’s talk about Job. Job was a wealthy man of upright character who loved God. Yet God allows Satan to destroy Job’s flock, his possessions, his children, and his health. Job refused to give up on God, even though he did not know or understand why everything that happened to him was taking place. And I bet you can guess what happened after all that…God changed Job’s situation!
Job 19:25-27 “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!"
Regardless of your situation…
Whether you are sterile…there is a God that will change your situation!
Whether you are on the brink of poverty…there is a God that will change your situation!
Whether you are sick…there is a God that will change your situation!
Whether you are going through depression…there is a God that will change your situation!
People will say that you were “this" or “that" yesterday and that you are the same today but God is the one who will have the last word!
Whether you are going through something that is unbearable…there is a God that will change your situation! Even if you do not see the results right away, you can have faith because God is the master of time and circumstances! Everything that man has said, has thought and taken you for, does not matter. When the world has counted you out, and said that you are “finished”, it is not over! So do not be afraid to tell people who you were yesterday because when God changes your situation, He will do it so that the ones who knew you before can hardly recognize you now! All the time that you spent being ashamed because of the things you have done, will not come back but things will get better.
Isaiah 61:7 - “Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs."
God is not human that He should lie (Numbers 23:19)! God has not forgotten you, regardless of what you were or are. God will take care of you. He will handle your situation. Trust Him and believe! He is not a genie (let us not make this mistake) but He listens to the prayers of His children! Although we go through difficult times or situations, we can call upon Him in confidence that a change will take place! Surely God could take care of our needs without our asking. But when we ask, we are acknowledging that He alone is God and that we cannot accomplish in out own strength all that is His domain to do. When we ask, we must humble ourselves and lay aside our worries because He is the situation changer. We should not despair because we have God’s presence, the privilege of prayer, and God’s grace! God can be sought and found when we seek Him wholeheartedly. There is no situation or thing that can make Him love us less or that can break that communion! If He did it before, He can and will do it again! Stay blessed and in faith!
(Devotions/ Devotionals)