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Saturday, January 25, 2014

.....::::: PARTIAL OBEDIENCE = NO OBEDIENCE :::::.....

He wants all of you! Giving God most of you is NOT good enough. Just because you pray sometimes, attend church and attempt to do what is right, does NOT mean it is enough for God. The reality is, God wants all of our lives, not just a part of it.
What does it mean to give God your all? It means to stop resisting and surrender because He knows best. As humans, we have the tendency to put things, people, relationships, and careers over God. When God says obey, He will not settle for partial obedience.
When you decide to give God your all, it requires surrendering every area of your life to Him. Even when it does not make sense. The crazy thing is that Every time I personally would let go of something, He usually gave it right back in abundance. Remember, obedience is better than sacrifice!
In the Bible, Abraham was preparing to sacrifice his one and only son. As soon as he prepares his son for sacrifice, God exclaims, “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” He said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son” (Genesis 22:12 NIV). God eventually blessed Abraham because of his obedience.
God is no different in our lives. You have to trust that God knows what is best for you. If something is not working in your life, give it up to Him. When you surrender and align your plans with His, it may hurt for a moment, but God will turn your sadness into joy and give you strength. He will give you more than your heart could have ever imagined!
Mark 12:30 - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’"

(Devotions/ Devotionals)

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